What can you accomplish with your little finger?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 gc 0 Comments

You slide your left little finger forward over the control key onto the shift key—holding them both down with light pressure, and then simultaneously hit B with your forefinger. The build is a success. The feedback is immediate. It just feels good. Finally, it motivates you to build a framework that reduces your codebase by 50%, all starting with a beautiful simple motion.

While creative writing might not be my thing, I still hope you find these keyboard shortcut posters for Visual Studio 2010 useful: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=92CED922-D505-457A-8C9C-84036160639F&displaylang=en

Shift+Ctrl+B is my favorite shortcut.


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